Saturday 6 April 2013

Using retained shape for performance in

   1 # CubicGridRetained
   2 #
   3 # You may need to increase the maximum available memory
   4 # by passing -mx1000m to jvm (in run script if you use that)
   5 #
   6 BOX_SIZE = 20
   7 MARGIN = BOX_SIZE * 2
   8 DEPTH = 400
   9 boxFill = None
  10 grid = None
  11 fcount = 0
  12 lastm = 0
  13 frate =  0
  14 FINT = 3
  16 def setup(): 
  17   size(640, 360, P3D)
  18   frameRate(60)
  19   noSmooth()
  20   noStroke()
  21   global grid
  22   grid = createShape(GROUP)
  24   # Build grid using multiple 
  25   for i in range(-DEPTH / 2 + MARGIN, DEPTH / 2 - MARGIN, BOX_SIZE):
  26     for j in range(-height + MARGIN, height - MARGIN, BOX_SIZE):
  27       for k in range(-width + MARGIN,  width - MARGIN, BOX_SIZE):
  28         # Base fill color on counter values, abs function
  29         # ensures values stay within legal range
  30         boxFill = color(abs(i), abs(j), abs(k), 50)
  31         sz = [BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE]
  32         cube = createShape(BOX, sz)
  33         cube.setFill(boxFill)
  34         cube.translate(k, j, i)
  35         grid.addChild(cube)
  37 def draw(): 
  38   background(255)
  42   # Center and spin grid
  43   pushMatrix()
  44   translate(width / 2, height / 2, -DEPTH)
  45   rotateY(frameCount * 0.01)
  46   rotateX(frameCount * 0.01)
  47   global grid
  48   shape(grid)
  49   popMatrix()
  51   hint(ENABLE_DEPTH_TEST)
  52   global fcount, lastm, frate
  53   fcount += 1
  54   m = millis()
  55   if (m - lastm > 1000 * FINT): 
  56     frate = float(fcount) / FINT
  57     fcount = 0
  58     lastm = m
  59     print("fps: %d" %  frate)
  61   fill(0)
  62   text("fps: %d" %  frate, 10, 20)

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